Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Letter to all of the New Moms...

I have actually thought about this topic a lot lately. Being a new mom is hard. We need all of the support we can get! I was ecstatic when I saw that the lovely lady over at E, Myself and I had a whole week devoted to this! I seriously could relate like you have no idea to almost each letter. So, today I am going to share a little of what I have learned, which isn't a ton. But if not for others, it can be for me as a reminder for the next time Lord willing we are blessed with going through all of it again. :)

Dear New Mommy or Soon to be Mommy,

Here you are! You are about to embark on a whole new world. Seriously. All of the months of pregnancy prepared you but really left you clueless on what it is truly like to become a mom! You were prepared to change diapers and organize your nursery, pack your diaper bag and pick out that cute "coming home" outfit. Don't worry. I am not about to scare the reality into you! ;)

You have probably already heard countless times how Your life is going to change!It will never be the same!Sleep now, while you can! Yes, bringing that little helpless piece of sweet, grunting baby home is sooo different from what you have ever done. But, those early days really do go by quickly even when they don't feel like it.

Try not to obsess about how much your little one will eat. As long as he/she gains weight you're doing your job! If your baby is lazy and doesn't want to breastfeed without falling asleep, then has a meltdown when he unlatches. Take a breath. It's going to be ok. A bottle will NOT ruin things. If pumping for a year (yes, I did. I should totally receive an award. ) is the only way to ensure that your babe gets breast milk. It's ok. If you need to supplement with formula? Go for it! Remember. As long as he gains weight, you are doing great! Don't let any momma guilt enter in. You are their mommy and you do what is best for the both of you.

The first month is the hardest. But, it is because you have never done this before! Don't be so hard on yourself! Give yourself time. Go grab some Sonic happy hour or walk the isles of Target. Trust me. This will do wonders. Get out of the house. It is for your sanity and so you can be a better mommy! ;)

Also, don't obsess about nap schedules. You will drive yourself crazy. Soon enough they will be napping at regular scheduled times. In the mean time? Hold that sweet boy or girl. Let them nap right there on your chest. Soon? They will be too big to lay there like a ball against you and will want to squirm their way, right out of your arms! Rock them. Snuggle them. They become so independent so fast! Although you get so excited when you see them reach a new milestone, your momma heart aches a little each time too. :)

This is the biggie. Try your darndest to not compare you and your baby to another mom and her baby. Each baby is soo different. Your baby will reach all of the milestones that they need to. They are not behind in anything! Your baby is perfect! Rolling over, sitting, crawling, walking, etc.. they will get there in their own time!

If you like things to be clean and orderly like me? You will soon find that it is near to impossible to keep things perfect. Your living room will look like a showcasing for all of the latest kid toys and contrapments around. They will soon become a part of your decor.

Ladies. The days, weeks, months, then soon the whole year will be gone. It's ok to cry when they turn 11 months. Heck it's ok to cry the whole month. Go ahead. Try not to! You.will.lose. You will remember the sleepless nights, the pitiful crying at all hours of the day, the way they would look up at you in those first days and just stare. The time they gave your their first grin, right when you needed it. The first time they reached over with mouth wide open to give you a kiss. The first time you heard "mommmammma", even if it wasn't directed right at you. All of this you remember. Tears will fall. Soon you will sing Happy Birthday to a baby who is turning into a toddler eating his very first piece of cake and having his first sugar!rush! You will wish that just for a second, they were that little ball of baby tucked under your chin, snuggled against your chest fast asleep.

Congratulations on becoming a mommy! Children are such a blessing. You are the perfect and only mom God chose to be for your baby. Welcome to the tiring, joyful and wild ride!


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

12 Months!

For my records and so I can look back when we have our next kiddo to is Westin's 12 months stats and milestones. :)

This month you weighed in at 20lbs 9oz. (25%) Not much difference since last month. I am sure it is all of the moving you do. You NEVER stop kiddo! You take after your daddy and certainly not me in the height department! You were 30" 3/4 (75%).

You are eating great! You love all things most kids don't for right now at least!  You love any veggie. Some of your favorite foods are: black beans, rice, avocadoes, cheerios, goldfish, peas, broccolli and I am sure there are more. You aren't too picky. You had your first taste of the Christian Chicken! (Chick fil A) and I'd say we have a winner! I knew you would like it, who doesn't?! ;)

You also had your first taste of sugar on your birthday. You weren't too interested in your cake. But, when I gave you a taste of some Blue Bell. That was all it took! You were grunting for more! You NEVER beg for food like that. I can't say that I blame you. I love me some Blue Bell too! ;)

You love love love bath time! You jibber jabber the entire time and just grin. You gratuated to a big boy tooth brush a couple months ago and brushing your teeth is one of your favorite things to do! You have 8 teeth. Four on top and four on bottom!

You love to explore. You love to play (bother) the Magster. You think her tail is hillarious. ;) You have recently started to point to things. When you read books or we read them to you, you will point at things. You have pointed out "turtle" in one of your books twice, when we asked you where the turtle was! Coincedence? I think not! ;)

You are so much fun. You have the sweetest grin and personality. You come up to us all of the time and lay your head against us with a smile. It warms my heart. I hope it's because you feel so loved and are just so happy! You are such a great snuggler!

You love "Mr. Monkey". He is your lovey/rattle toy with a blanket. You have attached yourself to him and adore him. I am thinking I need to find a back up just in case something happens to him! Eeek!

We love you Buddy! You are my little side kick and I am so blessed to see you grow up! :)

*All images were brought to you by the lovely and talented Megan Grenn and Beglorious Photography*

Sunday, May 13, 2012

He's One!

So Westin is now officially one! He was partied into his first birthday on Saturday. It was a grand day! ;) I had so much fun planning this party. It was all family so not too big. Although I did go a little over board on decorations. But what can I say. He is ONE! This called for a celebration! The theme was "Little Man" so I had ties and mustaches all around. Of course in the midst of all of the celebrating, I was only able to get pictures of the display table that I made...such is life! Enjoy!

He saw the cake!
And then of course since it's a little man party, we had to pull out the fake mustaches! ;)
It really was a great day and Westin had a great time with all of his cousins! Next year I say that it will be a low key party...we shall see. ;)

A letter to My Boy...

Dear Westin,

You are now a whole year old! The moment I found I was pregnant with you, you have brought nothing but the purest joy. You still do. I love so many things about you. You are the silliest, sweetest and most handsome boy. You are so special. You are the one who made me mama.

 It has been a year of learning for both of us!You my son have taught me so much. I never knew that I could love and adore anything besides your daddy as much as I do you!

You have taught me to always find the joy in things, even in the mundane. ;) You are all smiles from the moment you awake until I walk you to your crib. Daddy laughs that even when you go to bed I could just sit and stare at pictures of you or watch you on the monitor for hours. It's probably true. You have been one of my greatest blessings in life. I thank God that he chose me to be your mommy.

I pray not only for you. But I pray for me, that I might be the exact mother that He wants me to be for you. You deserve the best.

Thank you for a year of happiness, tears, giggles and cries. I will take them all again and again to have you! I love you buddy. :)
