Friday, July 29, 2011

Mommy Insecurities...

I know that I am not the only one who has struggled with these feelings. I have taken care of babies my entire life. When my little brother was born, I was 8 years old. My mom used to call me and my older sister, Josh's "little mothers". It is still weird, mind you, when I look at him now almost 19, and think I used to change his diapers. Weird. I feel old.

Anywho, taking care of kids, changing diapers...nothing new to me. But, when you have your own? All of these simple tasks feel so daunting at first. Did I put his diaper too tight? Is the baby too hot? Too cold? Did he get enough to eat? Does he have gas? Is he hungry again? Why is he crying?

Oh, to remember that first week. Pure Joy. Annnnddd. Pure stress. Now? I am glad to say that I think, I got this mommy thing down. Hardy Har! ;) It is definitely a learning experience. I love that for the most part, just by looking at my little man, I can tell what he needs. Not all of the time. But most. I can tell when he is tired and needs some mama time. (I secretly love that sometimes he just wants his mama!) I can tell which cry means what. Irritated cry? Bored cry? Tired cry? Plain just ticked off cry? Yeah, when you are with them all just know.

These days, I am still learning about my boy daily. But, I think of the future. The kids of this generation seem like they are dealing with a lot more trivial of things than we did as kids. No? I stress to think of the things he will face as a young person. All of these things which I cannot control, get me thinking.

With all of these fleeting thoughts. I have to remember that the Lord chose me and JC to be Westin's parents. I am the best mom for Westin. JC is the best dad for Westin. He thinks we are capable. With His guidance on everything, He thinks we got this! I am so thankful that I don't have to try and figure things out on my own, you know? Now, I am sure challenging times will come. Scratch that. I know they will come. But, it is good to know the Lord is on our side. He brought Westin in this world for His purpose. It is JC's and my responsibility to help lead, guide and prayerfully parent Him back into the arms of the Lord. When I was pregnant with Westin. I felt the Lord show me some of the ways He might use him. I can't wait to see the man of God He will become. I look forward to the moment when He asks for Jesus to become a part of his heart. That will be the BEST day!

In the mean time. Even with all of the newness of being a mom. Trying to figure it out and still becoming confident in the mom that I am. I must remember. God felt that I am the best mom for Westin. In that, I am honored. In that, I am confident. :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thankful Thursday...

I am so thankful for a very supportive husband. He is such a good dad to our boy.
I am thankful for morning coffee and fat free French Vanilla creamer.
I am thankful that finally after 5 years of marriage, I am being serious about menu planning.
I am thankful for my vacuum. No matter how dirty the house is, if I vacuum, I feel like it's clean.
I am thankful for daily outings. Even if it's just to go to Sonic Happy hour.

And finally...I am thankful for this sweet boy. He brings pure joy to our little family.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Two Months!

Westin is two months now! Where has the time gone?! It's weird, it feels like he has been with us forever. Yet, at the same time it is hard to believe he is already two whole months. We love you little guy. I stare at you sometimes and still can't get over that you are mine. That I get to keep you! You are by far the best gift I have been blessed with!

Some stats at your two month appointment:

Weight: 11 lbs 8 oz
Height: 23 5/8 "
Head Circ: 15 1/8 "

You are such a sweet and happy baby. You are full of smiles from the moment you wake up! You used to make us work so hard for one, but now you give them freely. :) When you get REALLY excited you kick your feet so fast and get this look on your face, like you are going to start blowing bubbles. It is THE cutest face ever! You have really found your voice this month and gurgle and coo at us when we play with you. You LOVE bath time! You get the most serious face and raise your eyebrows the entire time, with a half smirk. It makes daddy and I laugh! You hate getting out of the bath. Being cold makes you really mad and you tell me how much you despise it, with the way you fuss at me! You love being naked! (As long as it's not right after your bath!) Getting your diaper changed is a highlight to your day! ha! You just lay there and get so excited and talk to me the ENTIRE time!

You got your first set of shots. It was so sad. Mommy hated to see you cry. So, she cried too. We both sat there and cried together! If you were older, I probably would have went and got you ice cream afterwards.

You are still an extremely lazy eater. It takes you a while sometimes to finish a feeding. But, you are getting better. You are at about 4 1/2 oz per feeding. But, even this is sometimes too much for you. You eat every 3-4 hours. You get one formula feeding a day. The rest is the liquid gold-breastmilk! Mommy tries very hard to keep up with you! ;)

You love your binky. You still sleep a lot. Your last feeding is typically around 10pm and you are out the moment your head hits your bed. You get up between 3-4 for your mid night feeding and then lately you have been sleeping til 7:30! Which mommy loves! ;)

You are such a joy! We never knew the kind of love we could experience until you joined us! We love you Little Man!

His serious "bath face" that we get the ENTIRE time! ha!
 It may not look like it, but he LOVES his bath!
He likes tummy time!
The doctor said he is doing great with his neck muscles!
I seriously can't get enough of this little boy! :)

One Month!

I want so badly to be a good scrapbooker. I am just not though. But, because I don't want to forget all of the important milestones and sweet things our little guy does. I am going to keep track on the good ole blog. I will try to keep it up, becasue it truly is an extremely easy way to document these memories! So here goes his first!

Weight: 9lbs 7oz

Since, I am writing this a month later. I will try to remember. So, lets just start from the beginning! The first month was a hard one! Mainly because we have never done this before! Mommy had a hard time breastfeeding you because you are one LAZY eater! So, mama pumps and gives you all that she has! Bottles turned out to be a great thing for you, that way mama could see how much you are eating. As a first time mommy, this was the MOST stressful thing. Especially since you are such a lazy eater, I would have had to walk around with you permenantly attached to me if not, becuause you acted like you were never full! You are a very easy going baby. We still breastfeed a little. Use bottles. You will do it all like a champ!

In the beginning you had a fussy time that would start sometimes around 9pm and last until midnight some nights. We never knew when it would hit! To protect you from germies, mommy kept you inside all day! This was pretty hard for mommy.Since, she is used to being on the go! But, you are worth it. You did go on DAILY trips to sonic for happy hour though! That was mommy's only outing for a really long time! :)

This first month has been the hardest. But the greatest! I can't believe how great of a blessing you have been to us!