Monday, October 17, 2011

A Father's Love...

Do you ever feel that your thoughts are just better written out? Probably. I'm guessing a lot of us 'bloggers' feel that way. No worries. Not a mommy post. But, sort of in relation to. I can't help it. I live and breath it daily, it happens. :)

There have been many times where I have felt the love of God. Through blessings, healings, worship, friendship, during quiet times etc. I know that we have a God who loves us more than we can ever fathom. But, sometimes our feeble minds can't truly comprehend just how much. I am not sure we ever will. No matter what we do, where we have been, the choices we have made-there is a God who will love us no matter what, under no condition.

I have heard in the past that sometimes we don't fully understand the love of God until we have children of our own. Not to say that if you don't have any yet, you can't understand. Just that a child can help put things in different perspective in such a way that you have experienced a love you didn't know you could carry. I have found this in my own life.

This morning, at an insane hour my husband was off to work early to meet his boss. When I say early I mean like no sun shining...barely any cars on the road early. :) Me thinking I have an entire bed to myself to stretch back into dream land, I am awakenend by a cute but very talkative little boy jibbering over a monitor. I wait. Hopefully thinking he will drift back off. No such luck. So, in my hopes to keep the slumbering at bay, I quickly walk into his room and give him his pacifier. Only to find the poor boy soaked. Yep. Through his PJs and sheets. Darn you huggies. I trusted you!

Fastforward. I put Westin in our bed, hoping we both would just fall back asleep. Nope. So, I started my day. As my dad used to say Geese to Geese. Not sure if that's a French saying or not. But, it just means..shucks, darn..."are you kidding me!!!" I'm sure you get it. ;)

So I went ahead and fed him. All the while, the whole time he is eating sweet boy just keeps touching my face with his sweet chubby little hands. *insert pure mommy happiness overload!*  Gets me every time. I'm easy what can I say.

Thoughts of just pure joy and grattitude enter my heart as I hold my baby. I love this kid with a love I didn't know I could carry. Now, I love my husband too. He taught me a lot about unselfish love. But, O to the M to the G. I love this kid with every ounce of my being. Being covered in his vomit or *ahem* poo- phases me none. Now, when he is older that will probably change, ha! But for now it's baby vomit and his cuteness overrides any grossness.

Back to my point. As much as I love this boy, nothing he can do will ever change that. Sure, when he gets older he may test every boundary he's given. I will always love him. Always. Even if he looks me straight in the face and is flat out disrespectful. I will still love him.

I got to thinking...God loves me more than I love my son. Ya'll that is a lot. God loves us more than we do our own children. To me, it is completely mind blowing. No matter what I do. He loves me. He hold us in His arms while he burps..uh I mean pats our backs ;) and whispers in our ears, "I love you, I love you, I love you." Even if we can't comprehend like my son can't when I do. He still says it over and over. One day we will learn to listen and hear it. It is a sweet thing to know that you are loved by someone.

 He wipes us clean from time to time. He feeds us. He embraces us. He loves us more and more each day. The sight of our faces brings a smile to His face. Just like we love our children, He actually loves us more.

So today? Know that you have a Father who loves you. A Father who loves to see you grow. A Father that wants you to run to him when you fall and scrape your knee. Just so He can scoop you up and whisper I love you, I love you, I love you.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Five Months!

Westin you are five months! I am a little late getting this up. Better late than never!

He looks like he is showcasing himself! ha!

Love his baby blues. :)

Some highlights this month..
  • You are my serious little thinker child. You take a while to warm up to people but, you will flash a smile! You do this really cute thing and tuck down your head like you are so shy when people talk to you! I love it, so sweet!
  • You are an official crib sleeper! I think this was harder on me than you! Since we moved you, you have been sleeping like a champ! You usually go to bed around 8:30 and you sleep til 7-7:30am! Momma finally has her sleep back! Woo to the Hoo! ;)
  • You aren't a fan of rice cereal. So we are going to wait.
  • You are a rolling machine for the most part. At night I will wake up and look at the monitor and you are sleeping on your tummy lots!
  • You will grab and reach for EVERYTHING. My phone, coffee, whatever. I need to be careful!
  • You love Maggie Moo. You will pet and smack her. :)
  • You giggle all the time. I love it so much.
  • You love peek a boo. You just laugh each time we pop up and startle you!
You are so fun. Your personality shines these days. I love it so much! I can't believe you are on your way to being a whole half year already! Say what?! How in the world did that happen?
We love you so much our little Westinator! ;)

Pun'kin Patch!

Before we had the little Mr. JC and I would totally go to festivals, tree farms at Christmas, and little farms to pick fresh fruit, etc. We would always say we couldn't wait to have little ones to bring with us one day and do family things like this! So thankful that this year we totally have a cutie pie to take with us. Granted he will remember none of it, I was so excited to get pictures of him! I took a lot, here is just a few! :)

I think his eyes, minus the eyebrows look like my dad in this pic!

His face in this one cracks me up!

We had a really good time. No it wasn't chilly at all. Boo. Come on cold weather, please come and visit us!

I love my serious little toot. I should totally do a post of the "many faces of Westin!" ha!