Thursday, April 12, 2012

Eleven Months!

It has been eleven months since Westin entered our little family. Almost a whole year ago. I am in COMPLETE denial. Seriously. I still feel like he is my squishy little newborn that everyone said was soo tiny. Now he is this tall, vivacious little baby-almost toddler-like sweet boy! I really can't believe it.

This past month felt fast. With a ton of little changes. We started out the month still on jar baby food for every meal. Now? Westin turns his head sometimes at the mere sight of a spoon. We have pretty much entered into all table food. It seems a little easier, yet sometimes it seems harder. Although whatever I put in front of him, he eats so that is good! It makes me a nervous wreck in all seriousness. My kid is like a gerbil. He stuffs all of his food in his mouth and holds it FOREVER, then finally swallows it. I am not a fan of this little thing he does. Scares me to no end sometimes. He likes to play this game where he acts like he is going to drop his food on the floor. I will gasp and give him the mom look, then he will smile real big sometimes giggle and put the food in his mouth, and then we will clap. Stinker. ;)

He had his first little sickness this past month and ran his first high fever. It was so sad. He just laid his head on our shoulders and was so sweet. I have to admit though I loved the cuddles! It ended up just being a little virus and he was back to his normal self in a couple of days.

He talks a lot now. Mostly babble. But now if you tell him to say "mama or dada" he will repeat us. He growls at us when we get on to him for something. It is quite funny! He recognizes many words now. He loves to be outside and swing or go for walks and ride in his trailer on daddy's bike.

He dances ANYTIME he hears music! He will give high fives. This past month he has really become quite social! I looove it. For so long he seemed so shy. Now he gives the chessiest grin which is the cutest face ever! He will wave at anybody and everybody!

He has started walking with his little toy that he can push. Out of no where one day he just went right up to it, stood up and was off! We were both shocked and I may or may not have to started to get teary eyed. ;) Actually this past month there have been many times that I have gotten teary eyed!

Funny story for memories sake: A couple of days ago we were driving home from the store and Westin was extremely quiet, so I figured he must had fallen asleep. When we got home I went to get him out of the car and found him with his hand in the bag of Goldfish that he had grabbed from the diaper bag and was munching away! I had been breaking them up for him and that day I found that he could eat them whole no problem! He had the most guilty look on his face face! We just started laughing and then he started laughing. It was so funny!

Next month will probably be my last monthly update! I am planning a fun little family party for our little guy next month. He is my first and only baby right now and I can't imagine not doing something for him. When really we all know the party is really for the mama so we have plenty of pictures! I am having fun planning it!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

Easter this year was extra special because Westin was here to join us!
We spent the morning praising Jesus and hunting some eggs at our church!

We came home and let Westin open his Easter basket and wouldn't you know the first thing he goes for is the goldfish! Ha!

Then it was time for some Grammy love!

One of the sweetest Easters yet!